Legacy's Beanie World
Well people we have
survived another year. A very exciting year at that in the Beanie Baby World. We saw
plenty of retirements we never expected and new additions. Many people love my site
cause it is so user friendly, So during 1999 you will many changes here. First there
will be more things you the reader wants, with More pictures, more info about your
beanies. You may have seen we now have guides for Pillow Pals, Bamm Beano's and a few
others. My site is mostly dedicated to Beanie Babies, but we also want to please the rest
of our readers. Has always if you have any questions, comments, suggestions or want to add
something here let me know by email or ICQ! And may the year 1999 be filled with luck and
happiest to you all!
To Experience this page
the best way possible please Download the fonts I used!
The New 1999 Beanies now have a morphing hologram and
disappearing ink on each tush tag! The New Beanies for January are announced check them
out in the new beanie section!

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